Download Screenplay Format

The screenplay is a collection of images, directions, instructions, dialogues, and actions of the characters are narrated. When you are writing a screenplay for a movie and wants to win every single award of the film industry then you should know the screenplay format and write your screenplay according to the format of a screenplay. Physical formats:-In this format, A4 size paper is usually used for writing scripts. The screen play formats:-An incorrectly formatted script makes it difficult for the actors to read. Spec screenplay; Sample Script Writing Templates For Students Download. Deadpool Script PDF. Download the Deadpool script PDF by clicking the link or the icon above. In Deadpool (2016), a wise-cracking, former mercenary, Wade Wilson, dons a superhero costume to cover his disfigurement. After Wilson is diagnosed with late-stage cancer, he turns to an underworld character named Ajax for a cure. Download 100 pages 132 Kb Digital PDF Format April 6, 2004 Unspecified Draft IMDB. 12 Years a Slave by John Ridley 2014 Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Download 142 pages 751 Kb Digital PDF Format January 24, 2013 Final Shooting Script IMDB Amazon. 17 Again by Jason Filardi Download 102 pages 248 Kb Digital PDF Format.

If you want to write movie screenplays, you need to read movie screenplays – it’s just as essential as batting practice for professional baseball players. Reading in general is important, whether it’s novels, comics, or the backs of cereal boxes—even if you’re not paying attention, your brain is remembering hundreds if not thousands of subtle connections between language and storytelling.

Reading screenplays provides an added benefit—allowing you and your brain to see proper formatting in action. It’s also vital for aspiring screenwriters to see the difference between how scenes play out on the page and how they play out on the screen. Finally, while proper screenwriting adheres to a very rigid format, it’s extremely useful to see how various writers work within those rules and even use them to their advantage. Even if you know exactly what you’re seeing, your brain is actively learning and your subconscious is absorbing more and stronger information with every script you read.

By reading screenplay after screenplay, you will get a sense of how you can write your own.

Here, then, are ten websites that allow you to download professional movie scripts. Start clicking and start reading today—if not for your own sake, at least do it for your brain’s.

1. IMSDB – Internet Movie Screenplay Database

IMDB has proven a valuable resource for researching movie crews, casts, and trivia. IMSDB is just as useful for those looking for screenplays of all kinds and genres.

2. Go Into the Story

Go Into the Story is the official blog for The Blacklist, the screenwriting community famous for its annual top ten list of unproduced scripts. One useful feature of Go Into the Story is its bank of downloadable movie scripts.

3. Drew’s Script-o-Rama

The titular Drew has been sharing scripts with curious readers and writers for almost two decades now, and has a vast library from which to choose from. A great benefit of Script-O-Rama is that it holds several drafts of certain movies, an invaluable resource for those who want to see how a Hollywood film evolves in the writing process.

4. Simply Scripts

Simply Scripts has a wide, diverse library that also includes plays and non-English screenplays. It’s also constantly updated, providing scripts to current movies such as Interstellar and Foxcatcher.

5. AwesomeFilm

AwesomeFilm is another resource with dozens of scripts you can download with a single click, alphabetized for easy searching. If you’re looking for a screenplay to read, this site is, well, awesome.

6. Screenplays For You

Screenplays For You is a clean, smooth website with hundreds of scripts. You’re more than likely to find something from the genre you need—its library boasts everything from low-key award-winning dramas like Sideways to action blockbusters like Avatar.

7. The Daily Script

Download Screenplay Format

The Daily Script offers a ton of screenplays in a very simple, easy-to-navigate layout. It keeps things homey for the typical screenwriter, even using Courier New as its primary font.

8. The Screenplay Database

The Screenplay Database is another useful resource with a large choice of scripts to choose from. If you’re interested in a certain type of film, the website also allows you to search its library by genre, to better allow you to window shop and find something you didn’t even know you were looking for.

9. The Script Lab

The Script Lab comes in handy if you’re looking for more recent screenplays. Its front page divides its library into the three most recent years of releases, so if there’s something from 2014 you’d like, for instance Birdman or Boyhood, this is the website for you.

10. Movie Scripts and Screenplays

You’ve got to love the straightforward title. Movie Scripts and Screenplays gives you exactly what it says, with a long list of manuscripts that you can also directly find with its search function.

All writers know that reading great material is an essential part of honing and building your craft. But if you’re ready to take the next step in developing your skills as a screenwriter with the most hands-on, intensive training in the world, check out NYFA’s screenwriting programs. Looking for a long-distance way to take your writing to the next level? Check out NYFA’s online screenwriting program options.

Writing a screenplay is an extremely creative undertaking,albeit a complex one. New screenwriters working on their firsttheater/stage play or film script will need all the help theycan get through resources such as a screenplay format template.

Good news though – budding screenwriters can findtons of helpful resources to streamline their workflow and help develop theirscripts.

Screenplay templates are a prime example of such aresource.

In this article, I’ll list the 5 best screenplayformat templates that writers can use to write better, more comprehensivescreenplays much more easily.

Let’s dive right in.

What is a Screenplay Format Template?

Simply put, a screenplay format template is a pre-built structure in which you can add characters, movements, and story elements to create an actionable script.

It’s basically a layout with certain qualities that suit aspecific genre of screenwriting.

For example, an action screenplay will be structureddifferently and have different pacing from a psychological thriller screenplay.Both genres have script templates that suit different types ofstories from each genre.

A thriller screenplay template will structure the character movement, staging, and dialogue delivery according to how an ideal thriller feature should be, while preventing it from looking and moving like an action feature.

Currently, we have screenplay format templates for almost every theatrical and cinematic genre, including drama, comedy, action, thriller, autobiography, and more. Each of these templates have a different structure, but the best ones do have some things in common.

Characteristics of the Ideal Screenplay Format Template

Regardless of the screenplay genre,every screenwriting template has some characteristics that separateit from the rest.

However, the ideal screenplays all have the followingqualities in common:

  • Comprehensive layout
  • Contemporary features
  • Configurability
  • Creative space

Let’s take a look at each of the characteristicsindividually.

Comprehensive Layout

If you look at the screenplay for some of the best movies ever made, you’ll find that they all feature a complete and detailed story arc with textbook variations in pacing and dialogue as the story progresses.

Yes, almost all screenplays have some holes that may have been overlooked during writing, but as a structure, they will include all the fundamental aspects of the story they’re telling.

This means that a great screenplay format templatewill:

  • Be formatted according to the genre
  • Have plenty of room for brainstorming and subject research
  • Feature act, chapter, and scene layouts
  • Leave room for character and setting edits (left margin-right margin variation)
  • Be easy to use for beginners

Other than some specialized genres such as anthology andneo-bizarro, every ideal screenplay format template has somecombination of these qualities.

Contemporary Features

Screenplays have had a somewhat similar structure since,more or less, the start of the previous century.

The same title page, with the same standard Courier font, text indents, scene heading/slugline and subheader prefixes (INT-EXT), action line layouts, etc. All of it has remained unchanged over the years.

However, with the coming ofapp-based screenwriting software, we have a ton of contemporaryfeatures such as automated page numbers, time ofday, parentheticals, and notes popups with specific characternames.

Even the general rule of 'one page equals one minute of screen time' doesn't apply in all scripts today.

While it's not necessary to have a fully automated interfaceon the script layout, every task that can be automated gives the writer moretime for important tasks such as contributingto off-screen production, recording voiceovers, etc.

Furthermore, because most writers today prefer a smartphone over the traditional typewriter, it pays to have a screenplay editor in the palm of your hand.


A tight screenplay formatting runs the risk ofmaking your story look and sound similar to all the stories that have used itin the past.

The same events, the same character archetypes, the samemovements and delivery, and the same buildup can quickly become boring.

The best screenplay templates have a structure that’s crafted with the story genre in mind but gives the writer room to play around with their characters, settings, etc.

For example, if I’m writing a character who’s learning how to write a book, I’d want to show him picking up pointers from nature and various other creative genres and going back to alter her style – not just researching from the works of other writers.

Taking a non-traditional approach to character developmentmay seem counter-productive and time-consuming. However, a good screenplaytemplate will allow the writer to do that without making the scriptunbalanced.

Creative Space

Rigidity is a very common factor in the majority of thetraditional screenplay formats.

Some rigidity is good since it keeps the story structured andprevents writers from focusing too deeply on one particular aspect whileneglecting the rest.

However, screenplay templates should not be toolimiting in terms of creative freedom for the writer.

For example, the ideal screenwriting templateshould allow one character out of the several to experience a differentcharacter development stage than the rest, at any particular point in the plot.

Download Screenplay Format Software

This will keep all the characters from looking and soundinglike they’ve been crafted from a similar mold and have no unique progression oftheir own.

Furthermore, the best templates shouldlet screenwriters modify their plot development in order to write forboth feature films and series.

Download Screenplay Format Pdf

Common fiction tropes are already adopted by thousandsof screenwriters around the world. It’s the job of the perfecttemplate to give you enough creative space to craft a unique story from atraditional genre.

The 5 Best Examples of a Screenplay Format Template

Both experienced and new screenwriters oftenuse script templates to streamline their workflow and tell theirstory more effectively.

However, because of this, there are just too many templatesto choose from out there.

Additionally, it’s become increasingly difficult todetermine which template will benefit your unique story the most.

For that reason, here are the 5 screenplay templates that I’ve found to be the best in their respective genres.

1) General Screenplay Template bySquibler

Download screenplay format pdf

The General Screenplay template is a fundamentaltool for screenwriters, editors, and producers alike.

It combines all the story development essentials with astreamlined structure that allows writers to fully focus on their story withoutworrying about the layout and other secondary details.

Furthermore, the template makes direction easier by formatting all the story elements in a very clear and reader-friendly manner.

On top of all that, the general template is versatile.

This makes it great for any writer who doesn’t know which genre or format their story fits into and would rather just have an all-around template that helps them concentrate on the writing part from the first page to the wrap.

While Squibler has other, more dedicated templates, this one is the top pick due to its broad range of usability and comprehensive structure that doesn’t let writers miss out on any important story aspects.


Overall, the General Screenplay template is idealfor new writers who want to build on an effective and proven structure, as wellas experienced writers looking for a trusty template for versatile usage.

Try the General Screenplay Template for free, here.

2) Adventure Template by Squibler

The Adventure template takes the foundation from theGeneral Screenplay template and adds adventure-specific elements to it.

Basically, it’s an all-in-one formatting solution for anadventure story of any size and scope.

The template was developed by putting together the bestaspects of the greatest adventure features of all time, from award-winningfilms to travel-based series.

Additionally, it focuses on creating a sense of relationwith characters, letting writers bring audiences into the world theircharacters inhabit.

Adventure scriptwriting often involves a deeperfocus into the setting, rather than the characters. However, too much of thiscan lead to an imbalanced story with underdeveloped characters.

The Adventure template ensures that writers don’t forget theall-important character development tropes while creating an adventuroussetting,

Overall, the Adventure Template is ideal for storytellers who want to craft a narrative worthy of a blockbuster feature without breaking the bank.

Try the Adventure Screenplay Template forfree, here.

3) Standard Screenplay Template byMicrosoft Office 365

The standard Screenplay template by Office 365 isa Word-based layout that’s designed with user-friendliness in mind.

The layout is one of the simplest, with all the basicelements of scriptwriting and minimal clutter.

Because it’s a Word template, Screenplay works well on almost all electronic devices with MS Word. This makes it the ideal cross-platform template for writers who want to work on the script while traveling or using multiple devices without messing up their workflow.

Furthermore, the template is saved in Microsoft Word doc files, which allows it to be exported in PDF form and integrated into a larger software ecosystem on a production set.

Overall, it’s the ideal starter template for completelynew scriptwriters who plan to eventually move on to more complextemplates.

To download the standard Screenplay template, visit here.

4) WriterDuet Screenplay Templates

WriterDuet is one of the best screenwriting software systems and comes with a ton of comprehensive script templates.

It’s designed to be app-based, with real-time collaborationcapabilities that make it suitable for use on the go, as part of a much largerproduction.

The templates come in a variety of genres andthe script formatting can be customized to suit the needs of thewriter and story. In addition to that, each template is detailed and has individualsections that writers can prioritize according to their writing process.

WriterDuet lets writers access a broad range of writing tools within the app to not just improve their existing workflow, but create it from scratch within the app ecosystem.

Overall, the WriterDuet templates are for activeprofessional writers who are working on shooting scripts or part of alarger production.

To learn more about the WriterDuet templates, visit here.

5) Final Draft

Final Draft is anotherfull-suite screenwriting software that features a large numberof templates.

Widely regarded as the industry standard, it’s arguablythe most used template in film and television, with dozens ofbig Hollywood names having been made on it.

Furthermore, with over 300 templates to choose from, writerscan use it to work on almost any type of screenplay, from a shortfilm to a spec script.

Final Draft stands out among other industrystandards (Fade In, Celtx, etc.) because of its template diversity.This allows both professional and aspiring writers to start writingimmediately, with minimal training.

Overall, Final Draft is ideal for writers of allexperience levels who are looking to adopt a commonly used screenwriting software.

To learn more about the Final Draft templates, visit here.

Major Practical Benefits of a Screenplay Format Template

Using a scriptwriting template is like having a screenplaycheat sheet.

All the boring placements and lines and page elements thatwould take away from the creative process, all of those can be avoided witheven a basic script template.

Not only can you organize your notes and scenes faster, butalso plot easier and drop a ton of distractions while flattening the learningcurve.

Plus, it always helps to be able to edit, rewrite, add to,and remodel a script on the fly, like with most screenwriting software in 2020.

Using a Screenplay Format Template in 2020

Writing a story that may eventually be seen on the bigscreen is a major thrill.

In fact, it is one of the most exciting artistic ventures,short of playing the lead in a blockbuster.

A modern screenplay format template can bring you one stepcloser to writing a made-for-screen story and experiencing that thrill foryourself.

Additionally, the automation and pre-formatted layouts willhelp you learn more about effective screenwriting than traditional, manualformatting.

Squibler features screenplay templates that help writers with just that and much more in terms of creative output. They serve as the ideal starting point for that perfect story you’re looking to take to the screen.

Now go ahead and pick a genre, load up your template, and start writing your very own hit!

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