Taskbar Appearing Over Gamesfreeband

Press Windows + R to bring up the Run application. Type “taskmgr” in the dialogue box to bring up. Random, intermittent, suspicious icon in taskbar. I have seen this strange, star-shaped, orange program icon pop up in the taskbar of Windows 10 machines only to disappear without a trace about 3 seconds later before I can screenshot it.

Taskbar Appearing Over Gamesfreeband

Sorry to report that this was only a temporary solution. It worked until I turned my computer off, and then it stopped working. If I repeat the procedure, the taskbar comes back again until I turn the computer off. Back to the drawing board…

Taskbar Is Showing In Game

I like to have the maximum amount of screen space, so I set the taskbar at the bottom of Windows to hide when it’s not in use. Whenever I need the taskbar, I just hover over where it should be and it pops up. However, I recently noticed that I couldn’t get my taskbar to unhide itself when I was using Google Chrome as my browser. The taskbar worked fine with every single other program, but not Chrome.

Taskbar appearing over games

Taskbar Showing Up In Game

Here is how I fixed this problem.

Unhide the Windows Taskbar When Using Chrome
Follow these steps to move the position of your taskbar and move it back again:

  1. Minimize Chrome or close it so you can see you taskbar.
  2. Right click on the taskbar and select “properties”.
  3. Change the position of your taskbar from the bottom of your screen to the right of your screen.
  4. Click on Apply or OK and close the dialogue box.
  5. Right click on the taskbar again and select “properties” again.
  6. Change the position of your taskbar back to the bottom.
  7. Click on Apply or OK and close the dialogue box.
Taskbar Appearing Over GamesfreebandGamesfreebandAppearing

Windows Taskbar Showing Over Game

That is it. After I did that, my taskbar worked fine in Chrome. I’m not sure if this will be a permanent fix or not, but it seems to be working for now. I will report back if this solution doesn’t seem to stick.

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